Midnight Dreaming

May 25, 2023

This life will eventually be like a past dream. We will all one day wake up to eternity, whether that be eternal life or eternal judgment. It matters what we do now during this short life because our decisions will affect our eternal outcome.

How sad would it be if we all just died and that be it. The Bible says that we will all have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive the things due us for the things we did while in this flesh (2 Cor. 5:10). How do you think you will do on Judgment Day? Can you do good enough to earn eternal life?

The Bible says that none of us are good enough; one lie is enough to damn you to Hell. Because of how holy God, our Creator, is (Ezek. 1: 25-28), the only way we can enter into His presence is through perfection. None of us can reach that. That’s why Jesus, God’s Son, had to intervene.

Coming to Jesus means entering through the narrow gate; not many follow it. It’s a hard road, one where a cross lays in front of us to pick up and carry so that we may walk the path of our Savior. Jesus said, the one who suffers in the body is through with sin (1 Peter 4:1-2). Think about that. If you truly come to Christ, your whole life will change; your desires, thoughts, and actions. Jesus sets us free from our sin so we can walk according to the Spirit (Rom. 8:5-6).

But it all starts in your heart. Knowing that you’re the guilty sinner standing in the courtroom about to be sentenced to death must bring you to your knees. God gives salvation freely to all who ask Him. Please, realize your sin today. Realize where you’re headed. Hell will not be a big party where the devil rules. It will be a fiery inferno of torment forever for all who harden their hearts toward Jesus. Political correctness doesn’t matter. What matters is truth! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Please fall on His mercy today!