– Change –
Jan. 24, 2019
What is this thing called change?
I must adapt some way to everything.
It feels unfair, this is true,
but look at what I can now do.
– The Walk –
Jan. 25, 2019
The walk is long
The walk is hard
We walk this walk until we’re scarred.
This walk will soon be over,
Then we’ll walk the walk to God.
~ The Straight Path ~
June 27, 2018
A path here, a path there. So many visible. But lo are any open?
No, the door shut when I turn toward them.
Here, the path I see, is straight, so as an arrow.
I walk along, sometimes undecided whether to try a new path or stay on the straight one.
“What should I do?” I ask myself.
My mind and heart say “Try a new path.”
But the Spirit says, “Stay straight, for there is a goal I’m walking to.”
That goal is Jesus my Savior!
-The Wheels of Today-
Jan. 24, 2019
We work today,
we work tomorrow.
Our tomorrows turn into todays,
and our todays in to yesterdays.
We have dreams,
Dreams turn into plans,
Plans turn into reality,
Reality turns into the past.
Our wheels keep turning, turning, turning.
Until one day,
They stop.
-Be like a rose-
July 19, 2020
At first glance, a rose has no special purpose.
It grows and blooms.
It’s rooted in dirt and can go nowhere new.
It has been placed in a specific place to grow and bloom.
There is a purpose, though, you see to the rose that grows and blooms.
It grows and blooms when given light from above and water from the ground.
It grows large and exceeds the place it resides.
The gardener prunes the brush and spreads the snippings in other places.
He waters and grows the snippings as well, so that they might bloom.
The Gardener places the rose bush where He pleases and gives it adequately what He desires.
No bush will be alike, even when they are cut from the same graft.
Be like the rose; basking in the Son’s glory and being filled with water from above which came from God’s own Spirit.
Never forsake your lifeblood, the holy Scriptures.
You need both the Son and the Water to grow and bloom.
~ Turn not from Freedom ~
June 7, 2020
Freedom from the past is sweet,
Like sugar on the tongue it tastes satisfactory.
Away from the old
Out with the dead.
God has brought me to a new place.
Through my iniquities and trials I did walk
He brought me through to a new place.
This place is better than the old,
Sweeter than any honey.
Freedom I find here.
Freedom to walk and run.
I can see the gate from the past.
Still open it stands.
I have a choice to go back.
The keeper entices me to come back.
Why do I turn to face that open gate?
The thing I had just escaped from.
As I walk toward the hemmed in jail
I hear freedom call.
Its voice so tender and sweet.
I remember my experience,
Bring to mind what I went through
In order to be free from that gate.
~ Rise ~
July 8, 2020
Oh to be home and see Christ’s amazing face.
To be there because of God’s amazing grace.
In the presence of Thine glory,
On my face do I lie,
Waiting till You destine me, either to live or to die.
If you call me child
And welcome me home,
To Christ be the glory!
He is the One who sought me,
Who carried me through despair.
He gave me new life
And showed me how to care.
On that Earth I did fall,
But always there was the Spirit of Your promise.
Conviction He did bring,
But with it freedom did sing.
Through His Word He brought me closer,
Closer till all I desired was He.
On my knees I did cry out,
In the heat of the battle I did say,
“Oh God, forgive me!
I have fallen!”
And with tender words He spoke,
“Rise up! I am with you.
~ Just Keep Walking ~
July 14, 2020
Even when pain comes to grip me, I know You, Oh Lord, are still with me.
You have a plan that is unknown to me, and at the time, seems far away.
You say all I need is You, there is nothing this world can offer that would surpass the glory found in Christ.
Temptation shows its head,
the devil does laugh.
He entices me with things of old.
But the Lord has given me a weapon.
The Spirit is with me and gives me hope through Scripture.
It may seem unfair at times to see what others have; until, I look and see what I have.
Its not possessions that make this life great,
neither circumstance or status or state.
The thing that makes this life great is Christ my Lord, who because of Him I will live on.
Remembering His pain and His desires, I keep walking.
He will reveal in due time what His plan is for me.
But in the meantime, let us just keep walking and trusting in Him.
~ Running for the finish line ~
July 19, 2020
The apostle Paul spoke truth when he compared our life to a race.
We have a start and a finish.
There are times we feel strong, and times we are weak.
Our mind can play tricks on us, making us think we’re not going to make it.
Or that we can go faster and get ahead on our own strength.
But the truth is, not until someone comes along side us will we run stronger.
Not until then will we run a bit faster for the Joy set before us (Heb. 12:1-3).
Not until then will we count everything else a loss; such as the pain we endure through this race.
In our great race called life, Jesus is the one who comes beside us.
He gives us the strength the endure just as He endured the cross.
Our Joy is to see His face at the finish line, to fall into His arms as we collapse because the race is finished.
Because we ran a good race and allowed His strength to carry us we look forward to the day He says,
“Well done, My good and faithful servant”.
Our Joy is complete in Him.
Through pain, trial, and affliction we keep running,
not for our glory or by our own strength,
but with Christs’ strength and because He is standing at the finish line with His arms open wide.