A Fly Named David
May 30, 2023
I sat in that old plastic chair ready to do my Bible study. Longing to have my taste of Spiritual food.
As I sit there, in the somewhat cooler part of the summer morning, I see a mosquito light on my arm. I think about praying that God would keep the mosquitoes from biting me, but then think it too silly to even ask. Instantly, I hear the Lord say to my heart, “Go ahead and ask.” in a kind and knowing way. So I ask Him, “Please keep the mosquitoes from biting me.” Then I opened my Bible to read in Ezekiel.
Not much reading got done when a medium-small fly came and landed on my right leg. I thought nothing of it at first and carried on reading Ezekiel. After a little while, I stopped reading to ponder what I had just read. “He will do it for the sake of His name” [paraphrased from Ezekiel 20:9, 14], and then I noticed the fly was still on my leg. I began watching the fly as it clung to my leg. I saw as another fly, different than the first, lighted on my knee. The first fly saw it and drove it off with furiosity, then went back to the same spot on my leg.
As more flies tried to claim a spot on me I witnessed as the first fly drove each one off, no matter what size or type of fly they were. While all the while consistently returning to his spot on my leg. I took note that there were no other bites on me except two previous bites on my arms and one from a tiny mosquito I had killed at the beginning of all this.
I realized God had sent that small fly to fight off the other bugs and mosquitoes. God was showing me that He heard my prayer and that He can use whatever He chooses to do His will. That little fly was like David as he stood up against the larger Goliath flies. But he was sent there by God for a greater mission. The purpose to show me that God can and is using me in the places He sends me. God made His presence known to me with that little fly named David. For His names sake He has done this. That He may be praised.
There is power in the name of Jesus!